FBI and DOJ disrupt campaign targeting critical infrastructure through small/home office routers and cybercrime money laundering operation

Feb 05, 2024 The Department of Justice has disrupted a botnet of hundreds of small office and home office routers hijacked by hackers sponsored by the People’s Republic of China in a campaign targeting U.S. critical infrastructure and other organizations. Most of the infected routers were Cisco and NetGear routers that were no longer supported through the…

R.I.P. Mike Hill

It’s with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mike Hill on Sunday, September 10, 2023, after a 5 ½ year battle with cancer.    In addition to being a founding partner of IT 4 the Planet and Quality Software Solutions, Mike has been a colleague and friend for over twenty-five years.  His contributions to…

The Cyber Threat Landscape in 2023

by ASTRA IT, Inc., Cyber Attacks are on the increase and will likely stay that way. The prediction is that $8 trillion will be lost to cyber crimes by the end of 2023, which is almost a third of the USA’s GDP in 2022 and twice as much as India’s predicted GDP in March 2023. The global…

Cybersecurity Training: The need for a new approach

by Darren Mott, The Cyber Guy According to a recent article at Help Net Security, 1 in 3 employees don’t understand why cybersecurity is important.[1] Every company regardless of size must decide how they are going to approach cybersecurity training. The constant evolution of cyber threats from criminal cyber actors to nation-state cyber actors to…